Meditation to Harmonize the Second Body

Sit up straight either in a crossed legged position on the ground or in a chair with both feet on ground.

This hand position (mudra) is held in the lap. To increase feminine energy interlace the hands with the right little finger on the bottom. Put the right thumb above the base of the left thumb on the webbing between the thumb and index finger. Press the tip of the left thumb on the fleshy mound at the base of the right thumb. To increase masculine energy reverse how you hold this mudra.

Inhale through nose to a count of 4

Exhale out of the mouth to a count of 4

Inhale through the mouth to a count of 4

Exhale out of the nose to a count of 4

Practice for 3 - 11 minutes

Suggested Supplements
to Balance, Support & Strengthen
the Second Body

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